Industry Track CFP

Conference Scope

Data mining, machine learning, statistical analytics and data science techniques are being widely adopted in the industrial field. The goal of the BESC 2016 Industry Track is to bring together data mining researchers, industrial practitioners, business analysts, marketing, finance, behavioral, economic, social and psychological areas to achieve knowledge and technical achievement transfer across the boundaries between behavioral, economic and socio-cultural areas.

The Industry Track of 2016 International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC 2016) seeks submissions in all submission categories (6-page full paper, 2-page short paper, and 2-page demo paper) to showcase emerging techniques and advanced ideas in industry, to discuss future trends and challenges with practical implication, and to facilitate interactions between academia and industry.

All papers submitted to the BESC 2016 Industry Track will be peer-reviewed and should not be submitted to another conference at the same time. Compared to the BESC 2016 regular track, Industry Track papers do not necessarily need to contain major methodological advances, algorithmic contributions, or rigorous experimental validation. Rather, the emphasis will be on industrial innovations, clear practical relevance, interesting lessons learned through significant practice, or new classes of applications which might open up new venues for interesting academic work. Works-in-progress papers are also welcomed. Contributions from both industry R&D groups and the academia are welcome.


We welcome submissions on the following, but not limited to, topics:

Key Dates

  • Papers due:
  • Notification due:
  • Camera-ready due:
  • Conference date:
  • 15/07/2016
  • 15/08/2016
  • 01/09/2016
  • 11-13/11/2016

Industry Track Paper Submission

Paper submission system is available at:

Organizing Committee

Further Information

If you have any questions, please email the Industry Track co-chairs at Xin Li ([email protected]) and Alvin Chin ([email protected])