The 6th International Conference on Behavioural, Economic, and
Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC 2019)
Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, 28-30 October 2019
*** Paper Submission Deadline *** - June 30, 2019
Conference Website:
The 6th International Conference on Behavioural, Economic, and
Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC2019) will take place in Beijing,
China, 28-30 October 2019.
BESC conference aims to become a premier forum in which academic
researchers and industry practitioners from data mining, artificial
intelligence, statistics and analytics, business and marketing,
finance and politics, and Behavioural, economic, social and
psychological sciences could present updated research efforts and
progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics
of BESC, exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
Following the successful BESC2014 in Shanghai, China, BESC2015 in
Nanjing, China, BESC2016 in Durham, NC, USA, BESC2017 in Krakow,
Poland, BESC2018 in Kaohsiung, BESC2019 will take place in Beijing,
The BESC Organizing Committee invites submissions of applied or
theoretical research and application-oriented papers on any below
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Social Computing and Applications
- Social behavior
- Social network analysis
- Semantic web
- Collective intelligence
- Security, privacy, trust in social contexts
- Social commerce and related applications
- Social recommendation
- Reconfigurable architecture
Behavioural and Economic Computing
- Agent-based modeling
- Artificial/experimental markets
- Asset pricing
- Computational finance
- Financial crises
- Monetary policy
- Optimization
- Volatility modeling
- Evolutionary economics
Information Management and Systems
- Decision analytics
- E-Business
- Decision analytics
- E-Business
- Societal impacts of IS
- Human behavior and IS
- IS in healthcare
- IS security and privacy
- IS strategy, structure and organizational impacts
- Service science and IS
Digital Humanities
- Digital media
- Digital humanities
- Digital games and learning
- Digital footprints and privacy
- Twitter histories creation
- Crowd dynamics
- Digital arts
- Digital healthcare
- Mobile technologies
- Activity streams and experience design
User Modeling, Privacy, and Ethics
- Personalization for individuals, groups and populations
- Large scale personalization, adaptation and recommendation
- Web dynamics and personalization
- Privacy, perceived security and trust
- Papers Submission due: 30 June 2019
- Notification of Acceptance: 15 August 2019
- Camera-ready due: 30 August 2019
- Conference dates: 28-30 October 2019
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of
technical quality, relevance to BESC 2019, originality, significance
and clarity. Please note:
- All submissions should use IEEE two-column style. Templates are
available from
- All papers must be submitted electronically through the paper
submission system in PDF format only. BESC 2019 accepts research
papers (6 pages), industry papers (2 pages), special session papers
(2 pages) and demo papers (2 pages).
- Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that
have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a
journal or a conference with proceedings.
- Papers must be clearly submitted in English and will be selected
based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance,
and clarity of presentation.
- Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that,
should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will
register and attend the conference to present the work.
Paper submission system is available at:
All accepted conference papers will be submitted for inclusion into
IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I), e.g. EI
and DBLP. Top quality papers after presented in the conference will
be selected for extension and publication in several special issues
of international journals, e.g., World Wide Web Journal (Springer)
and Social Network Analysis and Mining (Springer).
Steering Committee Chair:
Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair:
Yidong Li, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Program Committee Chairs:
Lin Li, Wuhan University of Technology, China; Haoran Xie, the Education University of Hong Kong, HKSAR; Uesugi Shiro, Matsuyama University, Japan
Special Session Chair:
Xiaohui Tao, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Local Arrangement Chair:
Jun Wu, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Publication Chair:
Yi Jin, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Finance and Registration Chair:
Songhe Feng, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
General enquiry:
[email protected]